
Showing posts from July, 2020
So, it appears that I've been more than a little remiss in keeping up with this blog. I notice my last post occurred more than a year ago. Ye gods, time flies when you're..... Well, never mind. We all know what kind of year 2020 has been, although I really don't have an excuse for being MIA any time before March of this year. I fell down on the job. Let's leave it at that. Thankfully, as of this writing, neither C nor myself have come down with COVID-19, nor have any of our immediate families. While I can't say that all our friends have been so lucky, so far they're managing to hang in there. But, what a cluster fuck this has been! From the government's abject failure to adequately respond to this pandemic to the unspeakable selfishness of some Americans refusing to wear a mask to Trump's hourly assaults on democratic institutions, the news has been bleak. Adding fuel to the fire are the ongoing murders of unarmed civilians by police officers, and the la