
Showing posts from October, 2020
Five days. It's finally come down to five days. I never thought we'd get here. The past (almost) four years have seemed like four interminable decades. In five days, we have the opportunity to vote out the mouth-breathing filth and his knuckle-dragging excrement of an administration. Will we do it? That shouldn't even be a question given Trump's negligence in handling the COVID-19 pandemic, his gleeful participation in sowing the seeds of hate and division in the country, the pathological lying and endless tweets, his cruelty and vindictiveness, the admiration for murderous dictators, the diminishment of the United States in the eyes of the rest of the world, the blatant disregard for any sense of civility that isn't self-serving. And that's not all. The list goes on and on. The evil and corruption are endless. He needs to go, should never have been near the White House in the first place.  Now, after four hideous years, we have the opportunity to vote him out a
"Innocents With Dirty Hands" is a difficult film to critique. Without a proper restoration, the true beauty of southern France doesn't really enhance this mundane 1975 thriller from French film director, Claude Chabrol. The washed-out, drab-looking 2003 DVD from Pathfinder Home Entertainment shows its age: it plays fine but is unlovely to look at. However, the beautiful Austrian actress, Romy Schneider, appears in nearly every scene displaying copious amounts of skin, and even the so-so quality of the DVD doesn't detract from her obvious appeal.  The plot features Schneider as Julie, the younger trophy-wife of Louis (Rod Steiger), a middle-age rich guy with a whole slew of problems, none the least of which is his fondness for intoxicants. Ensconced in a palatial, modern horror near St. Tropez, Schneider's Julie is bored and horny, spending naked afternoons sunbathing in her back yard while Louis swills booze and staggers around wondering what the heck he's doi
I know, I know, yet another movie post but it's either this, or a coruscating discourse on the current state of American affairs, and if you need reminding of just how bad things have gotten in these not-so-United States of America then you probably won't like what I have to say on the matter anyway. But, oh, by the way, Trump and Melania have allegedly tested positive for the coronavirus. Soon enough, we'll find out whether or not Lady Karma is distributing a well-earned dose of belated justice to this most ignominious of pairs, or if it's another of DJT's desperate political ploys to sway, postpone or steal next month's election.  In any case,  "Equation To An Unknown" (Equation a un inconnu ), is a 1980 art/porn film directed by French painter, actor and cabaret owner, Dietrich de Velsa, a reclusive, mysterious figure who, under his real name (Francis Savel), worked with Joseph Losey on the mainstream films, "Monsieur Klein" and "Don