
Showing posts from September, 2024
 Cult Movies (#2) Unless you--like me--have a predilection for overlooked and unsung movies, you have probably never heard of Ana Lily Amirpour's atmospheric 2014 Spaghetti Western/Vampire hybrid, A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night . Set in an Iranian backwater called Bad City, A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night has that same lonely, downtrodden feel that Peter Bogdanovich so successfully captured in his 1971 masterpiece,  The Last Picture Show . While Girl may not be in the same league as  Picture Show , it does possess some masterful moments of its own. Amirpour has stated in interviews that she'd intended to film her feature debut in Iran, but the country's formidable restrictions put the kibosh on that idea. So, instead, she shot her movie in the industrial town of Taft, in her home state of California. Utilizing gorgeous black-and-white cinematography to highlight the setting of a small desert town in decline, Amirpour creates a world bathed in menace and arid darkness, a