Election Day, 2020.

Well, here we are. With seasonably cool(er) weather abetted by strong easterly winds, the suffocating South Florida heat and humidity have been temporarily vanquished, and we're able to sleep with the doors and windows open. This is a rare event, occurring on only a few occasions each year, and we make the most of it! 

Oddly, I woke up this morning feeling calm, serene, even. That didn't last long as the grating sound of men shouting and car engines racing drifted in through the open windows. The elementary school just around the corner is the voting place for our neck of the woods, and the ruckus came from that direction. After two cups of coffee, I thought maybe I'd take a little stroll to see what was going on at the school (as if I didn't know) but, by 8:30, things had settled down. There was nary a sound save for the wind whipping through the trees outside the sliding glass doors. I guess even Trumpsters have to go to work. Later in the morning, C and I deviated slightly from our daily route so we could have a closer look at the voting situation. As of noontime, the school's parking lot was jam-packed and it appeared that things were running smoothly. No UN-patriotic dipshits waving American flags and spitting hate at everyone in sight.

In other locales, I've heard that officials are expecting waves of violence but so far, I've heard of no such thing happening. Of course, that could change later in the evening, or in later days, if this isn't settled quickly. Or if Trump declares victory without waiting until all the votes are in. Or when Trump refuses to accept the election results, if he loses. Let's face it, there's probably going to be violence at some point. How widespread the violence becomes will depend on local mayors, not this "president", who actively promotes it. We are, after all, living in a powder keg and, thanks to the evil occupying the White House, this country could very easily explode if it be Trump's desire. It just seems incongruous that so many Trump-loving Christians spend their entire lives immersed in the words of Jesus, the scriptures of the Bible, the Hail Mary's, the psalm-singing, the baptisms and communions, and yet they apparently wouldn't know the Antichrist if he came up and bit them on the ass. Which is pretty much the case. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you people? Religion never held much allure for me, anyway, even less so as I grew into gay adulthood. But, I did figure they'd hold their leaders to a certain standard of moral accountability. Silly me. I neglected to factor in the hypocrisy of these people, vividly displayed again and again throughout my life. Do as I say, not as I do. That adage has never been truer.

Chances are slim that we'll know the winner of this year's election tonight, but we'll probably have a pretty good idea who it is by the time midnight rolls around. I'm afraid it's going to be very close (it shouldn't be, but don't get me started on that). I don't dare get too optimistic but, for the first time in several years, I'm allowing myself to hope. 



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