A few observations from the past month: 

1. DJT is now selling bibles. For $60 a pop. Because that's how he is. No low is too low. But I keep wondering: why aren't there lightning bolts? I thought there'd be lightning bolts. 

2. The endless and horrible Simply Healthcare commercials are ruining my life and I have completely lost any fondness I may once have had for Stevie Wonder's For Once in My Life

3. Palm Sunday services are excruciatingly long, especially if, like me, you are not of a religious bent in the first place. I went in expecting a lot of pomp and ceremony along the lines of Midnight Mass. This is not that. This is standing in your pew for the better part of an hour while priestly people recite the story of the Passion in its entirety. On the other hand, the Palm Sunday soprano's voice was pleasing and an announcement that the men's club would soon have their famous clam chowder for sale received a positive reaction from the parishioners, although C thought it was in poor taste. Where do I sign up for the chowder anyway?

4. Jim (Gym) Jordan recently got his ass handed to him by Leslie Stahl on 60 Minutes. A few days later, MTG (don't ask me to spell out its name) filed a motion to oust House Speaker, Mike Johnson, from his post. Normally, I would be experiencing a bit of schadenfreude except these are not normal times, and if Johnson is demoted, who will take his place? The current crop of GOP Congressmembers make me yearn for the days when Gerald Ford was stumbling off jets and pardoning Richard Nixon for his crimes because those days almost seem quaint compared to now.  

5. I'm actually sick of politics, and I know you are too, but elsewhere, things are even more dire than they are here. Russia is still attacking Ukraine, Israel is still bombarding Gaza, and the Myanmar Junta is burning and beheading their own citizens. So, yes, there are many worse things going on in the world than the antics of our impossible Republican Party but that doesn't make me feel any better. Especially since we could find ourselves tipping over into a similar type of chaos should the November elections go south, meaning DJT (and his revenge mission) SOUTH. I have also been re-watching the first 3 seasons of Babylon Berlin, which does not make me feel any more optimistic because Nazis, you know. 

6. The iguanas are no longer trying to get into the house because temperatures are rising. Which means that the iguanas will go back to sunbathing in the middle of the street or out by the pool (fact: there is not enough money in Florida to get me to swim in that pool). This is something of a mixed blessing: as much as I hate iguanas trying to get into our condo, I hate the Florida heat even more.  

7. This week I had the chicken salad from Fresh Market for the first time and it was orgasmic. No onions, no garlic, no unnecessary additions that Whole Foods can't seem to stay away from. On the other hand, I'm all about the Double Chocolate Ganache cookies at Whole Foods so there's that. 

8. I have started lurking on X (formerly known as Twitter). Not for impolite political discourse although there is assuredly no shortage of idiots there, possibly more than there are on Facebook. Also, there is Elon Musk and that should be a deterrent for anyone tempted to lurk on X. Except for me, of course, since there are several Only Fans and Just For Fans stars who post really provocative video clips (like you'd never see on Facebook) and that's almost better than Fresh Market chicken salad and Whole Foods cookies combined. 

9. I'll leave you with the above image in order to offset the unholy first image I started this post with. You're welcome. 


  1. Speaking of going south, I say let's arrange that for the photographic image you graciously included. Mkay?


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