About Bite Me, Tony.

This is a blog about a little bit of everything and nothing much, in particular. It is my third attempt at writing a blog, the first two having dealt with movies, which I found fairly limiting despite my passion for the subject. My ADHD also probably played a key role in the limited lifespan of those blogs. 

So, here I am again with a little something to say about whatever pops into my head whenever I set down to write. It also gives me good practice in case I ever decide to write the book I've been chasing around in my head for decades. (FYI: I have written a few screenplays [unproduced], as well as co-written the pilot for a proposed television series that, alas, never came to fruition. It is what it is, as my sister is fond of saying.)

What I don't want this blog to be about is politics. God knows, I express my political opinions enough on other online outlets and I am, frankly, sick of talking and hearing about it everywhere I go. My hope is that this blog will be a sort of safe space from politics, although there is always the chance that, if sufficiently chagrined, I may unleash a paragraph of wrath on one or more deserving parties. All I will say for now regarding the current political climate is this: I despise bullies and I loathe deliberate cruelty. Make of that what you will, I won't belabor the point. Anything else is fair game, as far as I'm concerned.

I already said that I am passionate about movies, and I love books, too, so you may see a fair number of reviews here interspersed with whatever else comes down the pike into my brain.

Other things you should know?

Oh yes, my brain. Whereas what flows into the brains of some people comes pouring out of their mouths, mine generally flows onto the page. So in essence, when you visit this blog, you'll be visiting my brain. That should give you pause right there. If not, I hope you find it's an interesting place to visit, even if you wouldn't want to set up shop here. Don't worry, I sometimes wonder what the hell I'm doing in here, myself!

Commas. I never know, for certain, where to put them or when, so I tend to err on the side of caution, throwing commas in wherever I see fit. I am particularly fond of the Oxford Comma, although after years of being scolded for using it, I find myself a little skittish when confronted with a situation requiring (or not) one. But, if you are commaphobic, read no further! You have been warned.

You will probably also want to know that I tend to cuss a reasonable amount, not to sound shocking but because I often find foul language gets to the meat of the matter much more succinctly than a delicate beating around the bush. So, there's that.

I plan to post at least once a week on this blog, if not more. God knows what I will post but I assure you I will be as surprised as you are.

Finally, I will strive to be a reliable narrator when conveying stories and information that, for all intents and purposes, are real and not fiction. But, just know this: I was born in Texas and that may mean something, or it may mean nothing at all. Thank you for visiting and feel free to leave your comments!


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